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Repurpose Cherished Items when Downsizing to a Minimalistic Aesthetic Room Decor

Downsize Your Home to Upgrade Your Life


I live by the notion that you don’t have to have a lot to live a fulfilled, bountiful life. In fact, I believe that downsizing can actually lead to upgrades in your life that encompass your mental, emotional, and even your financial health. You don’t have to let go of your dreams when you’re letting go of space. And if you are anything like me, you are probably passionate about lessening your environmental footprint and combining your love for more thoughtful living with the beauty inherently found in simple pleasures. 


This blog post is all about how you can repurpose those meaningful items that still deserve a place in your home, even when you’re downsizing. 


There are so many reasons why a piece might be meaningful to you. Perhaps it has a long or sentimental family heritage. Maybe you found the piece during a special time in your life where everything felt meant to be. Perhaps you spent a lot of time, money, and energy sourcing this perfect piece. Or maybe you want to take a piece of the old place with you to the new. Whatever the reason is, this piece is authentic to you and your story, and you have every reason to keep it and continue to grow with it. 


However, if the piece doesn’t fit as easily into your new space, you don’t need to give up hope. There are plenty of ways to repurpose these meaningful items so that the story can live ever on.




Lamps are versatile pieces of furniture that add light and decadence to a space. If you are downsizing and wondering what to do with some of the small, intimate collections you have (such as seashells from your favorite beach spot), you can add them to a lampshade or lampstand to add personality and texture. Small items such as shells can also be added to glass vases or canisters and used as a centerpiece on a coffee table or a bookshelf display. 


Table lamps can also be repurposed into wall lamps and sconces to save floor space and add elegance to any room.  


Shelves, Cabinet Faces, and Shutters


Old doors, headboards, and other detailed sections from your favorite furniture pieces can be given new life by repurposing them into shelves, cabinet faces, and even shutters for the face of your home. These pieces, especially if they’re made with quality materials like solid wood, already have good bones, so it doesn’t take much to spruce them up. You can turn an old headboard into shelves to house your favored collectibles, books, photos, and other small mementos. 


Curtains, Rugs, and Upholstery 


Those cherished textiles that are too sentimental to part with, such as a beloved tee-shirt collection, baby blanket, or doll clothes, can be repurposed into valuable household items you use every day. For example, you can transform these fabrics and use them to make curtains or small rugs, upholster furniture, or turn them into a pillow cover that will brighten and add personality to your space. Older, beloved blankets can also be given new life with some simple embroidery. 


I recognize that these precious textiles are a part of your life’s story, and you have every right to breathe new life into them. Plus, repurposing these items whenever possible is a much more sustainable option when downsizing rather than choosing to discard them. Even if you think some of these old fabrics are worse for wear, I promise you that there are possibilities for new life. Those fabrics and textiles you don’t have strong emotional ties to can be donated to animal shelters where volunteers will use them for bedding, or you can cut them into small cleaning cloths and rags to extend the life of these hardworking fabrics. 


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